Migraine Headache Relief

Minutes or Less

Suffering from a pounding migraine headache that will not subside? For millions of people, this is often a crippling experience that occurs on a regular basis. Headaches can be caused by excessive alcohol or cigarette use, change in altitude, loud sounds or bright lights.  Over-exertion from exercise or excessive heat exposure and even foods that contain nitrates such as bacon or lunch meat. From the most common tension headache to the notorious Migraine headache to the most debilitating Cluster headache, this IV cocktail will help you stay hydrated, easing the immense pain you a feeling in your head. This cocktail includes vitamins B-complex, vitamin C, and magnesium in a saline solution with electrolytes get nutrients into the bloodstream to act quicker. Anti-inflammatory, headache and pain medication is included to help reduce frequency and length of headaches, as well as antioxidants to reduce inflammation, decreasing painful pressure. Also recommended as an add-on include: Vitamins B-9, B-12,  Taurine and Vitamin D. We can add an additional dose of headache, pain and fever medication as well as zinc administered through an extra bag of saline fluid. Our pain medication and anti-nausea medication will start working within minutes of initiating the IV infusion treatment. Contact us now to get started with your migraine headache relief treatment. We can get you feeling better quickly, call  630.205.2924

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Anti-Nausea and Anti-Vomiting Medication
  • Anti-Inflammatory, Headache and Pain Medication

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate) – IM only (Strong Consideration)
Vitamin B12-Strong (Consideration)
Vitamin D- (IM-Consideration)
Magnesium- (High Dose Strongly Recommended)
Taurine-(Strong Consideration)
Additional Dose of Headache, Pain, and Fever Medication
Additional bag of 0.9 Normal Saline

Migraine Headache Relief
