Jet Lag Relief

Minutes or Less

Suffering from Jet Lag? You just flew in from out of town from across the country or possibly outside the country. That big meeting, the long detailed presentation, the once-in-a-lifetime job interview are just hours away, and now you feel far from your best. However, you have a headache, are tired, fatigued, nauseated, vomiting, and panic-stricken.  This debilitating disorder is very common among world travelers that cross multiple time zones. Your body has its own internal clock, that is in sync with circadian rhythms. These help regulate when you sleep and when you are awake. The more time zones a traveler crosses, the more likely they are subject to experience jet lag. Your body’s internal clock is synced to your regular time zone, as you cross multiple zones it takes time to adjust to the new time zone. While this is a temporary condition, Jet Lag Disorder can interrupt the events you have scheduled for a vacation or business trip. Not to worry, the PICC team will replenish your fluids and administer vitamins so you regain your strength. Medication to resolve the nausea, vomiting, and headache is on the way; we can have you feeling much more comfortable and ready for business in just over an hour. Also included is a mixture of vitamin B-Complex, B-12 and Anti-inflammatory and pain medication. Contact us to have a registered Nurse give you a specially formulated IV drip treatment designed to counter the effects of Jet Lag Disorder. Call us at 630.205.2924 to schedule your appointment today!

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Anti-Nausea and Anti-Vomiting Medication
  • Anti-Inflammatory, Headache, and Pain Medication

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only (Consideration)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D – IM
Glutathione IVP- (Strong Consideration)
Magnesium-(Strong Consideration)
Taurine-(Strong Consideration)

Jet Lag Syndrome
