Work / Workout Recovery IV Drip

Minutes or Less

Need a workout recovery? A rough day at work or a long workout at the gym both can leave you exhausted and dragging the remainder of the day. Work / workout recovery is able to be sped up with our powerful medical IV recipe designed to replenish your body with the hydration and nutrients it is craving. After lifting heavy weights, or running at fast speeds or long distances can leave your body feeling tired and sore. Long days at the office in meeting after meeting, or very physical jobs can leave you feeling totally depleted of energy. We can help get your energy back, with a fresh infusion of power! With our blend of antioxidants, Vitamin B complexes, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, Glutathione, and Zinc, you can say goodbye to the exhaustion and fatigue. This powerful IV cocktail is designed to give you a boost of energy, decrease inflammation, improve metabolism, increase weight loss, and improve bone and joint health. We can also add some ingredients to compliment this cocktail. Strong recommendation additions include Magnesium, taurine and vitamin D. In extreme cases, we can blend in anti-inflammatory, headache, pain and fever medication to help get you feeling better quickly. Contact us today begin your work / workout recovery and reduce your exhaustion, pain and suffering. Our Registered Nurse will take good care of you and help you bounce back to your routine sooner. Lets get you feeling energized and ready to get back to your active lifestyle. Call us today for your work / workout recovery treatment at 630.205.2924

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione IVP
  • Zinc

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only
Magnesium – (Strong Consideration)
Taurine- (Strong Consideration)
Vitamin D-IM-(Consideration)
Anti-Nausea and Anti-Vomiting Medication
Anti-Inflammatory, Headache, Pain, and Fever Medication- Strong Consideration

Work + Workout Recovery
