All Inclusive IV Drip

Minutes or Less

Our All Inclusive IV Drip delivers a well-rounded variety of fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins. The normal saline solution, electrolytes, and a variety of B vitamins deliver pure, fueled energy. Designed to address both health and beauty issues, the all-inclusive works quickly, and comprehensively through a wholistic approach. By supplying all of the nutrients and vitamins the body craves for basic and advanced performance, this treatment is able to deliver a total body IV program. You’ll be covered from head to toe with this multi-faceted, intravenous powerhouse of hydration and nutrition. This includes the Vitamin B-Complex, B-12, Glutathione, Vitamin C, Biotin, and Zinc provide the body with increased immunity, bone and joint health, and healthy hair, nails, and skin. Additional benefits include decreased inflammation, increased metabolism, weight loss, and improved quality of sleep, and this is just scratching the surface. The All Inclusive IV Drip also includes Magnesium, which  plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. We can also add to this IV drip the following ingredients: Vitamin B9, Vitamin D, Taurine (Also known as the miracle molecule), as well as anti-inflammatory, headache, pain and fever medication. We highly recommend this to all patients who want complete coverage for health and beauty regimens. Our All Inclusive IV Drip is very comprehensive, integrates the entire system and impacts everything from metabolism, stress management, detoxification, and improved sleep. Contact us today to a Registered Nurse implement a treatment program for you at your home, office or other location. Give us a call to schedule your Ultimate Beauty IV Drip treatment today 630.205.2924

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Biotin
  • Glutathione IVP
  • Zinc

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only
Vitamin D – IM
Magnesium- (High Dose Consideration)
Anti-Inflammatory, Headache, Pain, and Fever Medication

All inclusive
