Dehydration Remedy

Minutes or Less

Our Dehydration Remedy IV Drip is our entry-level infusion but the most important component and foundation of any vitamin cocktail. Dehydration is a huge factor in how we feel, tired, fatigued, weak, thirsty, and a general being of feeling unwell and even sick. Most Americans do not have proper hydration, and as a result we are not able to perform at our highest potential. In addition, our diets are in many cases poorly constructed of overly processed food that is very nutrient deficient, and unable to supply us with the vitamins and nutrients our brains and bodies crave for optimal living. Our saline solution and intravenous delivery system is the quickest way to get your hydration levels back up to normal. In 60 minutes or less, our registered nurse will have your on the road to health recovery and feeling better. This system is used by professional athletes and entertainers who have extremely physical jobs that cause dehydration from heavy exertion. They are able to get IV treatments in between halftime and show intermissions, they carry on with the show. We are also able to add specific vitamins to our Dehydration Remedy IV Drip if you are deficient in specific areas. By creating a custom IV cocktail recipe, you can restore the individual nutrients that have been depleted over time in your system. With regular treatments, we can help keep you at a more consistent level for the vitamins and nutrients that get depleted quicker in you individual body type or medical condition. The PICC team will have you feeling dramatically stronger and energized in an hour or less with our Dehydration Remedy IV Drip Treatment.

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)-(Strong Consideration)
Vitamin B9 (Folate) – IM only (Strong Consideration)
Vitamin B12-Strong (Consideration)
Vitamin C-Strong (Consideration)
Vitamin D – IM
Magnesium – (Strong Consideration)
Glutathione Push
Anti-nausea and/or pain medications

Dehyration Remedy
