Energy Boost IV Drip

Minutes or Less

The Energy Boost IV Drip Infusion is a customer favorite. With our fast paced 24/7 always on the go work, family, and school regimens, who couldn’t use more energy? Regardless if you had a long exhausting day, a night with minimal sleep, or simply lacking energy, this cocktail will dramatically change the way you persevere though the day. Low energy and fatigue symptoms can be a result of many lifestyle conditions. Lots of factors in modern life contribute to people feeling lethargic and tired. Poor diet consisting of too many processed foods, including excessive high fructose corn syrup, high saturated fats and fried foods can leave us feeling heavy and sluggish. Lack of exercise from a sedentary lifestyle, including sitting for extended periods at an office/desk job can slow our metabolism. Excessive alcohol use and lack of sleep can play major roles in draining our system of the resources it needs to function at a high level. High stress jobs and lifestyles can deplete our energy reserves and leave us feeling run down and totally exhausted. If you suffer from any of these factors, our team has a special infusion recipe just for you. The Energy Boost IV Drip will work its power into you in 60 minutes or less. Afterwords you will feel re-energized and powered up, ready to tackle your list of daily activities. Call us today to get your Energy Boost IV Drip scheduled and you’ll be powered-up and ready to go. Call 630.205.2924

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Taurine

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only (Strong Consideration)
Max dose Vitamin C
Vitamin D- IM
Glutathione IVP-(Strong Consideration)
Extra Taurine-(Strong Consideration)
Anti-nausea and/or pain medication

Energy Boost
