Starter NAD+ Infusion

Minutes or Less

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, known as NAD+ is a coenzyme found in every living cell in the body, we cannot live without it. Without it, our body would not be able to transfer the energy from the foods we eat to vital cell functions, especially in the brain. This coenzyme is also required to “turn off” the genes that accelerate aging since NAD+ significantly decreases with age and lifestyle. If you are looking to slow down the aging process and take advantage of this great treatment, we have 3 levels from Starter, Intermediate and Ultimate. NAD+ has even been deemed the fountain of youth drip! Although we cannot stop the aging process, we can slow it down with this revolutionary infusion drip. Who will benefit from this cocktail, anyone suffering from low energy levels, constant fatigue, and persistent brain fog.  Healthy weight maintenance is a key reason why many people are fond of these tratments, and get regular IV infusions to supplement and compliment a healthy eating and regular exercise lifestyle. This coenzyme is central to the proper function of the body’s metabolism. Looking to speed up metabolism? Increase weight loss? How about reversing sun damage, reducing inflammation, decreasing fine lines/wrinkles, and increasing hair and nail thickness. NAD+ keeps the benefits flowing, decreasing stress, depression and anxiety. NAD+ is now being used to decrease the debilitating effects of individuals experiencing withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and opioids, and reduces the cravings. With so many great reasons to give it a try, let’s schedule your appointment with our Registered Nurse. You can choose the location that works best for you – home, office or other location. Contact us today to get started with your treatment, and start looking younger today! Call 630.205.2924

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D- IM
Glutathione IVP

Starter NAD+ Infusion
