Ultimate Myers’ Cocktail

Minutes or Less

The Myers Cocktail is the most popular and recognized IV infusion. John Myers, MD was the first to introduce this vitamin and mineral treatment to his patients. Although the Myers Cocktail formula has changed over the years, it remains a go to cocktail in the Emergency Department, Urgent Care Centers and vitamin infusion clinics. Benefits of the Myers’ Cocktail are not limited to; preventing or reducing asthma attacks, cardiovascular diseases decreasing symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic sinusitis, upper respiratory infections, and migraines. Ingredients include high doses of vitamin C, B-Complex, B12 and Glutathione. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that aids the immune system and has been found to help in the prevention of cancer, cystic fibrosis, HIV, and the aging process. In addition, we include  max dose of what is called the “miracle molecule” – Taurine promotes athletic performance and recovery. It may provide fat burning during exercise, reducing lactic acid build up after workouts which leads to muscle soreness, reduces anxiety, elevates mood, and promotes a good night’s rest. Also included is magnesium, which can aid in headache relief, migraines and muscle spasms. With proper hydration from saline solution and electrolytes, a Myers’ Cocktail can help reduce fatigue and benefit people who suffer from low energy. Other ingredients can be added to treat specific needs or conditions you may be experiencing. In addition, a Myers’ Cocktail can reduce hangover effects, withdrawal symptoms and even reduce depression or anxiety. Contact us today to schedule your Myers’ Cocktail IV drip treatment. Our registered nurse will get you feeling better quickly in your home, office or other location. Call 630.205.2924

  • 1000cc Normal Saline and Electrolytes

  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Magnesium
  • High Dose Vitamin C
  • High Dose Glutathione IVP
  • Max Dose Taurine

Add to this cocktail

Vitamin B9 (Folate)-IM Only (Consideration)
Vitamin D- IM-(Strong Consideration)
Anti-nausea and/or pain medications

Ultimate Myers’ Cocktail
